在学者为中国文化的现代性转化提出的方案中,林毓生的“创造性转化”(CREATIVE TRANSFORMATION)是比较有名的一个。林毓生认为:“中国传统绝非铁板一块,不可分割。
...义的谬误的原因与含意,希望借此指出,我们今天如要创造地继承五四传统,必须开始进行对传统创造的转化(creative transformation)这份艰巨的实质工作。二在二十世纪中国史中,一个显著而奇特的事是:彻底否定传统文化的思想与态度之出现与持续。
Chapter two sums up the new achievements the construction of the theory of literature and art has made in Chinese New period under the influence of psychoanalysis criticism. Chinese researchers’creative transformation, creation psychology research, and psychology criticism are included here.
参考来源 - 颓圮的边界与生命的回响·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
We try to make creative transformation of philosophical knowledge in order to bring it to success that state of spirit and ideation of theory will be advanced.
哲学讨论课试图实现哲学知识的“创造性转化” ,以期更好地完成哲学教育的使命即提高精神境界和理论思维能力。
Hans Jonas' philosophy of responsibility is a constructive result which realized a creative transformation by combining traditional theodicy with modern reflection.
This energy is coded for higher consciousness and directed toward the processes of transformation, discipline, creative thinking, and new structures in life.